Pics????Makeup help?
water proof mascara and eye liner.;catnm=Eyes%26amp;subid=231%26amp;subnm=Eyeliner%26amp;prd=28568%26amp;osubnm=Liner
i like that stuff and it will usually stay on in the water.
when you're in the water and still wet, try not to wipe your face because that's when your foundation will come off.
if you don't wipe it, it will pretty much look like you still have it on.
hope this helps!Makeup help?
Use covergirl waterproof mascare like bri and i! and liquid eyeliner usually stays on um...liquid base, and cream eye shadow! that's usually what i do when i go swimming and it works but idk...anywho ILY
try water-proof makeup
unless you want it to be smeared all over yourface and embaras yourself
hmm well if its a pool party
but on some bronzers
and waterproof liquid eyeliner
and waterproof mascara
this will at the same time will make it look natural
well wear a small amout of makeup when you get their water proof to still look good and if you dont have water proof where after the swim go the tha restroom or someones bedroom to freshion up your makeup
waterproof mascara and not much else
anything more and it will smudge/wash out mostly in the water
to impress these guys smile a lot and be yourself
dont forget to have fun
try loreal volume shocking mascara.. it works so good! its impossible to get off so it wont run :) and just wear a little bronzer.. and your good to go :)
water proof :) and natural. probably brown. instead of black. and no lipgloss. guys hate lipgloss.
i'd probably go with... water proof
definatly agree with everyone on the waterproof........... but i am not a huge fan of natural... heres some ideas
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