Saturday, December 5, 2009

Makeup help?

In that picture, miley has beautiful skin, i know it's all makeup, but how can i do my skin so it's like that?

10 pts--%26gt;best answer

I have concealer, foundation, AND powder. How do i do it?Makeup help?
Start with washing your face and pat dry.

Pat concealer under the eyes and over any pimples/acne you have.

Use liquid foundation all over your face. Apply either with your fingers, which works really well for blending or with a damp sponge, which also blends really well. Don't stop with the foundation right at the jawline, continue down the neck even.

Touch up with powder on the T-zone area (nose, forehead).Makeup help?
Okay-- it is make up and for events like this they wear ALOT of it.

It usually involves contouring and highlighting to play up bone structure.


Use Max Factor's PanStik and a cosmetic sponge-- swipe the sponge over stick. PAT gently onto blemishes and uneven spots, as well as dark spots under eyes and then pat in quick circles in an outward motion from these spots to blend.

Contour hollows of cheeks (make a fishface) with a foundation 2 shades darker than your norm. Highlight apples and cheekbones (again with the fish face) Highlighter I use: Revlon SkinLights liquid, you can however just use foundation 2 shades lighter.

Contour UNDER jawline, highlight ON jawline. This will give you a more defined looking bone structure. Sweep blush over cheek bones, and over apples of cheeks (big cheesy smile, biggest roundest part of cheeks) Set all of this with a translucent powder. I LOVE Coty's Airspun powder. All of this can be found at your local Walmart/Walgreens etcetera. Define brows with a powder a shade or two darker than your hair. Use small quick strokes in direction of brows making sure you get lighter as you go out.

And make sure you always take make up OFF before you go to bed. Whether a quick swipe of an Oxy pad or a full on removing routine get it OFF your face so it doesn't have time to turn into zits overnight!!!

Exfoliate twice a week, use astringent, and an oil free moisturizer before bed.

You can also dust a little shimmer over your face where sunlight naturally hits it bridge but not tip of nose, cheek bones, brow, jawline, shoulders, and collar bone. Note I said SHIMMER not SPARKLE unless you like trashy. Again, Revlon skinlights makes a good shimmer powder, and it smells delicious too!

Anything else email me!
Use concealer on ugly parts, and foundation all over. Voila.
whoa she has red hair!! CARROT TOP! rofl sorry for randomness
Use liquid foundation on any really noticeable blemishes or dark circles under your eyes, and then use Dream Matte Mousse. It's about $8.00 and it works really well. It makes my skin look really smooth and evenly colored.

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